Here are the Unternet Fiction submission guidelines for short fiction works:
--All Submissions must be sent as document files (.doc) via email attachment to the provided email address below. The subject should read Short Fiction Submission. The body of the email should include a word count, too. No synopsis, please.
--Presently we do not accept anything over 10,000 words. Generally, flash fiction, or 'short short' stories' are not encouraged, but we won't categorically rule out such submissions.
--Fiction works must be under the umbrella of Speculative Fiction. That is, Horror, Sci-Fi, fantasy and their related sub-genres. This may sound restricting, but actually this covers a lot of ground. If you are reading this, and considering that your work might fall into this category, then it probably does.
--Excessive violence--unless part of a larger picture, or a plot conveyance--is not welcome. Also, we do not accept 'Erotic' Fiction. This doesn't mean your story would be rejected because of sex scenes. This sort of thing is handled on a story by story basis. What we don't want is violence or sex for its own sake, or material that is purely pornographic that just happens to be Sci-Fi or Fantasy .
--At present there is no payment offered for the stories we accept. This site is, at its core, a blog. As a very new and very amateur online fiction zine, all we can say is that maybe in the possible future UF will become a true online publication. Unternet Fiction is a showcase blog, hence we welcome work by relatively unknown writers. This doesn't unequivocally exclude submissions by veterans of print publishing, of course, but the amateur takes precedence always.
--The fact that we are a non-paying site means that we hold no copyrights to the fiction we 'publish'. We ask that you kindly do not submit stories already published by established online journals. Mainly this is to respect whatever copyright protocols other sites observe. This of course means we don't consider reprints of any kind at the present time. Also, no simultaneous submissions. So please wait until we either accept or reject your work before submitting it elsewhere
--Upon sending your submission in, expect an email confirming that it was received within three business days. Eventually, we'll work out a faster, automated response. As of now, considering we are expecting a small volume of incoming submissions, you can possibly expect and answer in as little as twenty days. At most, expect to wait forty-five days for an answer.
--As D.I.Y. and low-budget as UF is, we remind all of you that this is a serious zine. No stupid submissions. This doesn't mean we would dismiss works with a comic element out of hand. What we are saying is, don't send prank submissions. Think of it like this: Send us a prank submission, and probably we won't bother to read anything of yours again.
--Please send one submission at a time.
--Presently, only prose fiction will be accepted. Articles, and maybe--but maybe not--verse will be considered in the future.
We hope to hear from you soon, and to receive the best writing you have to offer.
Alex Mastroianni
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